Travel to Greece and Italy
    Would you like to travel to Greece and Italy with Pastor Pete? This amazing trip will take place March 10-20, 2020. During this trip of a lifetime we will visit places like Athens, Corinth, Delphi, Mycenae, Patras, Bari, Pozzuoli, Pompeii, Minturno, Foro Appio, Rome, Vatican City, and more.
    This trip is not only designed to allow you to visit Greece and Italy. The real goal is to help you gain a broad and accurate Biblical understanding of this part of the world. As we travel back in time and trace the footsteps of Peter and Paul, this journey will allow us countless opportunities to open our Bibles while standing in these New Testament locations we have all read so much about.
    Traveling with Pastor Pete and this group is the cheapest, safest, and easiest possible way to visit these sites. Pastor Pete has done all the work. Literally all you have to do is sign up and show up. Then you can sit back, relax, and learn as we travel through Greece and Italy. The cost is all inclusive (airfare from Houston, 5 star hotels, breakfast and dinner each day, tips, taxes, tour buses, tour guides, and all entry fees to the sites), except for lunch each day and any souvenirs you wish to purchase. Click below to sign up or get more details. If you have questions, email Pastor Pete.
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Register For the Online Meeting April 8th @ 8pm (central)
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The Living Lamp is the perfect scripture primer for individuals or families. It includes a Biblical prayer, promise, and challenge for each day of the year. Without commentary from an author, it uses only the word of God organized in a way to encourage, equip, and challenge each reader. This is the perfect tool to use at the dinner table to focus your table talk on Biblical truths. There is also a scripture memory system for people of all ages.

Click the picture above to get your copy today.
This 26 week Bible study is designed to encourage and equip both new believers and the most seasoned saints. Each week contains four lessons for individuals to complete at home on their own. The lessons require the student to open their Bible and consider what God has to say on each topic covered. Published in 2010, this study continues to be used worldwide today.

Click on the picture above to order your personal copy today.
​Tired of seeing new church leaders fail? Pastor Pete set out to write a simple and short leadership book to set church leaders up for success. Use this book to ensure everyone understands what leadership really is. It will also make certain all of your leaders comprehend the mission and values of your church. Other chapters focus on problem solving, burnout, and how leaders can best support their pastor. Take your entire leadership team through this study. You will be glad you did.

Click the picture above to order your copies today.
Throughout history God has called his people to be different, set apart, and uncommon. When we read about the early church, we clearly see how they lived uncommonly for the glory of God. Pastor Pete and Tiffany McKinley partnered together to develop this book that can be used as a small group bible study to help the church return to its uncommon roots.

Click the picture above to order your copy today.
Pete's Books
Click above to be redirected to where you can find all of ​​ Pastor Pete's books .  
Click here to find all of the extra resources for the Absolute Basics of Christianity Bible Study. 
Would you like to contact Pastor Pete about a speaking engagement? Just click the icon above to visit our contact page.